Category: Women’s Interests

  • Why You Are Turning Into Your (Grand)Mother – Consequences of Consistent Mate Selection

    Why You Are Turning Into Your (Grand)Mother – Consequences of Consistent Mate Selection

    Humans select animals with traits we like, and breed them together to create more animals with those traits. This is common practice everywhere, it’s how we get “breeds” of anything – dogs, cats, horses, bovine. It’s also done with plants. Controlling the reproduction of flora and fauna is a big part of agriculture. I’m simply…

  • Capitalists Are the Enemy of Us All (The Revolution Will Be Commodified)

    Capitalists Are the Enemy of Us All (The Revolution Will Be Commodified)

    Hug a conservative. We must beware of tribalism. It’s the old story of the single issue voter, red vs. blue, conservative vs. liberal. Don’t need to waste time being polite to Trumpers! It’s what causes the thought error that, because radical feminists and religious fundamentalists agree on the existence of biological dimorphism they must, in…

  • Unpopular Opinion: Maternal Regret is Normal

    Unpopular Opinion: Maternal Regret is Normal

    “Traditionally, regret has been viewed as the purview of the childless.” So claims an article in Canadian classic Maclean’s. What? I understand childless people are often threatened with regret, but they don’t tend to voice it themselves. The penguins are my babies, and I regret nothing! Whereas, any parent can tell you that none of…

  • The Unplanned Hiatus Is Over!

    The Unplanned Hiatus Is Over!

    After several weeks of frenzied activity, I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a month. Some of you, in an idle moment, may have wondered why I haven’t published anything in a while. I’ll come to the party soon, I just need to take care of a couple things. Two reasons: I…

  • BrazenShe’s Radical Feminism for Beginners

    BrazenShe’s Radical Feminism for Beginners

    In my recent adventure with the Trans Rights Brigade, I ran into some serious misunderstanding about what Radical Feminism is. Coincidentally, this week I also found a very good, concise statement of the Radical Feminist platform over at Women’s Liberation Radio News. “Third Wave” Isn’t Feminism Before we dive in, I want to spotlight the…

  • You’re A Man, Honey, and That’s Okay

    You’re A Man, Honey, and That’s Okay

    Male Violence is The Enemy Hey, guys, I get it. As much as any lady can, I sympathize. Being A Man is a big freaking deal. Men are kinda nuts. Forced Into the Butch Box If you are just not much of a hard ass, if you find yourself drawn to the lighter side of…

  • Trans Attacks!

    Trans Attacks!

    For those keeping score at home, the Facebook trolls have not let up yet. They took my walking away after two and a half hours this morning as some kind of victory. But guys, I have stuff to do! They threw a couple studies at me, but the majority of it has been vitriol demanding…

  • “It appears the page is run by a TERF”

    “It appears the page is run by a TERF”

    It’s amazing how difficult it is to talk about women’s issues. Today I was outed as a “TERF.” For those uninitiated, that’s Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Which is technically true, I suppose. In that I understand that the only thing that makes a person one sex or the other is their anatomy. The rest is all…

  • T-shirts Now Available!

    T-shirts Now Available!

    So excited to finally have some ‘merch for you all! Be your Brazen self with a limited printing original design. Support the liberation of this woman and own your own little piece of BrazenShe. If you guys like this I’ll make other stuff 💖 And, as always, donate to the cause at Thank…

  • Fight Despair Together: What Does Life on Your Terms Look Like?

    Fight Despair Together: What Does Life on Your Terms Look Like?

    You see the well-trodden paths in your life. You learn ways to stop getting stuck there. You go, killer! The next question is, “Where do we go from here?” We have to forge new paths, create new ways of relating to people around us. If we are doing our inner work well, this should be…