Category: Women’s Interests

  • Take My Breasts, Please! Young Women’s Crisis of Identity

    Take My Breasts, Please! Young Women’s Crisis of Identity

    It’s time to talk about breasts. Specifically, mastectomies – The surgical removal of breast tissue. According to the Mayo Clinic, this procedure is intended for those suffering from breast cancer, or those at high risk of same. But, like so many other things, this procedure is being used in what can only be called an…

  • Donald Trump’s Spiritual Advisor is A Satanist

    Donald Trump’s Spiritual Advisor is A Satanist

    More specifically, a hedonist. And a total maniac. It’s spit-take-worthy irony that she would pray for the abortion of “satanic pregnancies.” But I’m getting ahead of myself. Even the most casual of Christians will be familiar with Jesus’ messages of charity and peace. Heal the sick, the meek shall inherit the earth, all that. These…

  • Life is Weird, But I’m Not Giving Up!

    Life is Weird, But I’m Not Giving Up!

    It’s been a quiet few weeks here at BrazenShe. I have a bunch of stuff in the pipeline, but I have been focusing my free time on a business venture. Applied Learning Running BrazenShe is rudimentary and fun. I write whatever I want, whenever I want. It’s great practice at crafting engaging pieces around maybe…

  • Brazen Mission: Motherhood As Feminism

    Brazen Mission: Motherhood As Feminism

    For many years, Feminism has encouraged women to turn our backs on the kitchen. From De Beauvoir to Friedan, through to Sandberg and others, we are shown Traditional Womanhood as Debasing. As Zombifying. As Unfortunate Details. Surely any self-respecting woman with half a brain would decline to pursue life as a “Housewife.” But you’re not…

  • “Transition Expresses Not the Truth of an Identity but the Force of a Desire.”

    “Transition Expresses Not the Truth of an Identity but the Force of a Desire.”

    Andrea Long Chu is a transwoman who hopes to upend the whole gender paradigm. I have covered the Trans issue in quite a bit of depth lately. Before I move on to some more women-centered stuff, I had to bring you this interview I read today.     Chu’s fascinatingly offensive hypothesis is that Femaleness…

  • If Girls Aren’t Real, Someone Really Should Tell Jazz Jennings

    If Girls Aren’t Real, Someone Really Should Tell Jazz Jennings

    The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal is currently hearing a case of a little girl whose teacher told her little girls don’t exist. After a few rounds of this, the 6-year-old told her parents she needed to “go to the doctor” because she “had to do something” about being a girl. “If everyone has a gender…

  • Political Lesbians and the Death of Postmodernism

    Political Lesbians and the Death of Postmodernism

    Political lesbianism has always been controversial. First coined in the 1960s, women are encouraged to “get men out of their heads and out of their beds.” Which may very well be good advice. But the group promoting this plan, the Revolutionary Feminists, were very much literal and total in their meaning. Choose to Be A…

  • Social Justice as Abuse

    Social Justice as Abuse

    The phrase ‘social justice’ is often invoked to describe lofty principles individuals and institutions are expected to follow. But what happens when people misuse the power of these ideas? This fascinating article details seven ways social justice language can become abusive in intimate relationships: Using identity to avoid responsibly (we could almost stop right there….)…

  • Did Meghan Murphy Make the Transwomen Disappear?

    Did Meghan Murphy Make the Transwomen Disappear?

    Yesterday evening in Toronto, the irrepressible Meghan Murphy spoke for about 30 minutes at the public library. Her program, Gender Identity – Society, the Law and Women, follows in a string of appearances in Canada and Britain. These events are increasingly controversial, and the Toronto library was the scene of vehement protest. Meghan is a…

  • Women’s World: Hat Pins and Feminine Erasure

    Women’s World: Hat Pins and Feminine Erasure

    This morning at church, one of the ladies noticed I had a knitting needle plunged through my hat. Her husband was perplexed, but she understood when I said it was to keep the hat on my head. Once upon a time, there was a solution to this problem: Hat pins. They daintily skewer the fabric…