Category: Inner Growth

  • Brazen Mission: Motherhood As Feminism

    Brazen Mission: Motherhood As Feminism

    For many years, Feminism has encouraged women to turn our backs on the kitchen. From De Beauvoir to Friedan, through to Sandberg and others, we are shown Traditional Womanhood as Debasing. As Zombifying. As Unfortunate Details. Surely any self-respecting woman with half a brain would decline to pursue life as a “Housewife.” But you’re not…

  • “Transition Expresses Not the Truth of an Identity but the Force of a Desire.”

    “Transition Expresses Not the Truth of an Identity but the Force of a Desire.”

    Andrea Long Chu is a transwoman who hopes to upend the whole gender paradigm. I have covered the Trans issue in quite a bit of depth lately. Before I move on to some more women-centered stuff, I had to bring you this interview I read today.     Chu’s fascinatingly offensive hypothesis is that Femaleness…

  • If Girls Aren’t Real, Someone Really Should Tell Jazz Jennings

    If Girls Aren’t Real, Someone Really Should Tell Jazz Jennings

    The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal is currently hearing a case of a little girl whose teacher told her little girls don’t exist. After a few rounds of this, the 6-year-old told her parents she needed to “go to the doctor” because she “had to do something” about being a girl. “If everyone has a gender…

  • Social Justice as Abuse

    Social Justice as Abuse

    The phrase ‘social justice’ is often invoked to describe lofty principles individuals and institutions are expected to follow. But what happens when people misuse the power of these ideas? This fascinating article details seven ways social justice language can become abusive in intimate relationships: Using identity to avoid responsibly (we could almost stop right there….)…

  • Why You Are Turning Into Your (Grand)Mother – Consequences of Consistent Mate Selection

    Why You Are Turning Into Your (Grand)Mother – Consequences of Consistent Mate Selection

    Humans select animals with traits we like, and breed them together to create more animals with those traits. This is common practice everywhere, it’s how we get “breeds” of anything – dogs, cats, horses, bovine. It’s also done with plants. Controlling the reproduction of flora and fauna is a big part of agriculture. I’m simply…

  • You’re A Man, Honey, and That’s Okay

    You’re A Man, Honey, and That’s Okay

    Male Violence is The Enemy Hey, guys, I get it. As much as any lady can, I sympathize. Being A Man is a big freaking deal. Men are kinda nuts. Forced Into the Butch Box If you are just not much of a hard ass, if you find yourself drawn to the lighter side of…

  • Relationships Hurt, And That’s Okay

    Relationships Hurt, And That’s Okay

    Cold snaps hit the South extra hard, because we are not expecting them. Our bodies react like a corrected teenager. Our bedroom is behind the kitchen, across from the back door. So when my husband started to come in, then decided to let the dog in from the yard, he opened a wind tunnel directly…

  • Beware The Were-Bitch: PMS & You

    Beware The Were-Bitch: PMS & You

    I’m not sure how to write this post. I only just came to the idea that the sheer bald-faced panic I faced recently wasn’t cured by the extra sleep or the vitamins or my husband’s attention. It basically seemed to evaporate along with my menstrual period. Fucking hell. I have had this thought before, but…

  • Adulting: Fighting The Don’t Wanna

    Adulting: Fighting The Don’t Wanna

    They say having kids around keeps you young. Conversely, I actually find that having kids makes me feel older, but usually in a good way. Growing Up Is Hard To Do Into my 20s I was still waiting for the day I would grow into my life like a new pair of shoes. Extended adolescence…

  • Mad Woman

    Mad Woman

    For reasons lost to the meanderings of my mind, it recently dawned on me that my anxiety isn’t really anxiety at all. I am filled with submerged rage. I didn’t ask to be born to a bunch of emotional idiots. I struggle daily with the effects of their bullshit. To some degree, I’m still angry…