Category: Fight Despair Together

  • The Unplanned Hiatus Is Over!

    The Unplanned Hiatus Is Over!

    After several weeks of frenzied activity, I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a month. Some of you, in an idle moment, may have wondered why I haven’t published anything in a while. I’ll come to the party soon, I just need to take care of a couple things. Two reasons: I…

  • You’re A Man, Honey, and That’s Okay

    You’re A Man, Honey, and That’s Okay

    Male Violence is The Enemy Hey, guys, I get it. As much as any lady can, I sympathize. Being A Man is a big freaking deal. Men are kinda nuts. Forced Into the Butch Box If you are just not much of a hard ass, if you find yourself drawn to the lighter side of…

  • Fight Despair Together: What Does Life on Your Terms Look Like?

    Fight Despair Together: What Does Life on Your Terms Look Like?

    You see the well-trodden paths in your life. You learn ways to stop getting stuck there. You go, killer! The next question is, “Where do we go from here?” We have to forge new paths, create new ways of relating to people around us. If we are doing our inner work well, this should be…

  • Fight Despair Together: How Do I Know It’s Working?

    Fight Despair Together: How Do I Know It’s Working?

    When we are going inward and doing some personal work, the most important thing is to stay on-task. Stay focused on a simple goal, don’t be distracted by side paths that may pop up. If you are working on expressing yourself more clearly and you realize that you are experiencing social anxiety, it’s tempting to…

  • Bathrooms and Abortions: Divided Left Leaves Progress in Danger

    Bathrooms and Abortions: Divided Left Leaves Progress in Danger

    Not so long ago, there were no ladies’ rooms. No powder rooms. No little girls rooms. No restrooms full of stalls, each with a little metal box on the wall. “Lack of access to toilets effectively tied women to their homes, putting them on a leash as long as their bladder capacity.” This would not…

  • Is Fear of Abandonment the Root of Narcissism?

    Is Fear of Abandonment the Root of Narcissism?

    The similarity is unmistakable – Narcissistic people, who appear grandiose but are actually cripplingly insecure, tend to follow a cycle in relationships. While reading about the Fear of Abandonment I was struck by how they are essentially the same reaction. The main difference is that the Narcissistic Cycle dominates a person’s relationships. Idealize – The beginning…

  • Fight Despair Together: Healing Through Self-Compassion

    Fight Despair Together: Healing Through Self-Compassion

    What is stopping you from working through your problems and becoming who you want to be?  Depression and anxiety are both subsumed anger over how we have been treated.  Over and over, researchers have shown that those who suffer from such things are overwhelmingly victims of abuse as children.  Of course you would be angry…

  • Summer Series: Fight Despair Together

    Summer Series: Fight Despair Together

    Summer Series 2019 is all about finally moving forward. Last year I did my Tripping the Fright Craptastic series, where I told you all about my struggle dealing with my parents. I was attempting to show some of the crap that comes with being in the middle of life while supporting either end. This year’s…

  • The Nothing is Spreading: Millennials’ Company in Misery

    The Nothing is Spreading: Millennials’ Company in Misery

    By now, everyone has heard about the depressed blue-collar White Guy. His jobs have dried up, the mainstream is leaving him behind, and he’s paranoid about signs he’s becoming a minority. People have blamed this demographic for the Alt-Right, electing Trump, and for generally being a cesspool of simmering privilege. The consensus seems to be…

  • Art Vs. Economics: Who Am I?

    Art Vs. Economics: Who Am I?

    Watching films about great writers and artists always inspires me. Tonight’s offering was Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold. Available on Netflix, this documentary of the famous writer’s life is full of interesting details but dances quickly from one situation to the next without giving a lot of depth. Joan Didion is someone I’m…